Employment Application Download Employment Application "*" indicates required fields How did you hear about us?IndeedAdd On Facebook or InstagramSaw A Sign On The RoadSaw a FLiP KiDZ VehicleNoticed the StorefrontPrevious StudentGroupon.comOther Class CouponReferred by FriendInternet Search / WebsiteBirthday PartyJust AppliedWhich gym are you hoping to work at? Water Street - Wilm Peoples Plaza - Newark General InformationName* First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Cell Phone #*Home Phone #Email* Position Desired*Full Time or Part Time*Full TimePart TimeHow many hours per week?*Desired Pay*When can you start?*What days and hours are you available to work?How long will you be able to work at Olympiad?Do you have an activity that you need to work around such as another job or sport? Yes No Describe your activitiesDo you have your own car?* Yes No If not, how will you get to work?Education BackgroundTell us about your educational experienceWhere did you go to school and when did / do you graduate?CertificationsIf you are or have been certified in any of the below, tell us the date.USAGUSGFCPRFirst AidSafetyAny other special skills, awards or certifications?Have you ever taken gymnastics classes or competed? Yes No If yes, please explainAdditional BackgroundDo you have any injuries, conditions or illness that may prevent you from doing any aspect of the position applied for? Yes No If yes, please explainHave you ever been dismissed or laid off from employment? Yes No If yes, please explainHave you ever been convicted of a crime or felony? Yes No If yes, please explainAre you willing to submit to a drug test and a background investigation? Yes No Employment HistoryAre you currently employed? Yes No Complete the following fields with your current employment or most recent employment informationEmployerLocation (Street, City, State & Zip Code)Employer's Phone #Employer's Email Salary / Pay RateTell us what your duties areComplete the following fields with your previous employment informationEmployerLocation (Street, City, State & Zip Code)Employer's Phone #Employer's Email Salary / Pay RateTell us what your duties areTell us about any experience you have working with children or teaching / coaching gymnastics?Tell us how you might handle an irate parent?What do you think might be the most important goal in business like ours?This field is hidden when viewing the formSection BreakConsent* I understandUnder conditions of employment, I understand photos and or videos of myself may appear on social media sites such as our webpage, facebook, you tube, and any others. I understand that my employment with Olympiad Gymnastics may be subject to a Background / Criminal investigation, Credit Check and or Drug Screening. I also understand that periodically and without notice, I may be asked to renew / repeat any or all of these tests.Digital Signature* 17875